ly -'t BERGEN EVEN'INT, RECORD. WEDNESDAY, ATOIL 2S, 10.1ft SPORTS CENTRAL 3ERCEN CO XI RIAL 1ST ATI FOR SALI XII AUCTIONS LIGALS Joanne Eddy Is Returned School Scores BASEBALL XUAUCTI0NlWlIgAlS eSOTiftfbr rt nn.Ai if On riiiay May It. J4 I wilt sell fl ft I mU I As Local G. 0. Gives Both Parties Women Other Officers Named At Session Six lluns In Sixth llilUHrtl Don Riiiro Hiiih of Hackensack Miss Joanne year term as chairman of the Republican Municipal Commit tee last night during a reorganization meeting.
Ramacv rallied lor six runs in the'MonlcUIr Collcae HlRh Engle- sixth inning to defeat Pwcack Val- ley yesterday afternoon by 7-2 score. The winners now have a 2 1 Houses Sol WEST ENGLEWOOD MODERN-HALF BRICK COLONIAL fcrV'llllN 1.1VIN.. ROOM WITH POWIiFH llooM IHN. Mi HuoM KiiviikS, 'OKCH 3 IU.HHOOM ajtachko l.Atll.i; PATIO. UJ AU-rJL PLOT U0'lWl $21,900 Alexander Summer Co.
REALTORS nprN daily and evrNiNfi Qurn Anne Kd. tear tcdai Lane TEawik lMn0 hT" ENOl rWOOO IIIL.I4 THE IDEAL HOUSE Real cvn1r hU nlianr, ft Itirf (lrlml'KuI Ut rinor. Knotty Pino dn, irtu' kitchen, lit flinv iwiwiW rotim. rompiPtnlv finithl I uxm lninly UndM rtt4 mn im ttiiMi. Mini unuiual buy 1 no it DANIEL E.
TOLITICA CO. REALTOR OPs.N fcVltMNfiH 1JV) Teanerk 7-18 fctSTwmin viriNlTV COUNTRY SETTING fUHtoom Ranch acra irminti. Lara lcw record, while Valley Is 0-2. TKAC Pacatk Jumped to a 20 lead In St, Michael's 50, St. Mary's the first limine, but had it sliced In 'Englewood 0, Bergenfield I half in the fourth.
Don Boaeo 42, Rutherlord plied the pressure agnin in the; TEN IS fifth, but a throw from riKhtfieltierjTeaneck 5, Lodl 0 Hob Curare a cut down the tyuifl run at the plate. Bogota Kunisry Doa Boco 7, l'wc Vatlry I No. Arlington Harrison I Fair Lawn 13, Haw thorne I Patrmon Tfch Brrjra Tfeh CUIlon E. Rutherford I Teaneck 11, leonia 1 Englewood 3. Rldgrfleld Pk.
wood School for Boy WalUngton 5, Wayne 5 Ule) Lyndhurst 7, Tat. KasUlde 3 kii-lk Pat. EattUide 4ti9, Hackensack 466 BEHIND WEINTZ Top Cliffside, 5 To 3, In N. N.J. I.
L. Tilt Rutherford Rutherford gained Its second Northern New Jersey Intcrscholastic League victory In five games yesterday by topping Cliffside Park. 5-3. The Bulldogs gave pitcher Walt Welntz a 4-run lead with a marker The Polish Ironmen parlayed; five hits and several Indian orrors rT fAnn 11TI1T into six runs in the payoff inning, lil I I I II II A IV I Sieve Scully was the winniwrUUljljlJUUu 111 TABLE AT DINNER Both Republican and Democratic; parties In the City are now headed I by women. Mrs.
Yvonne Van Blar- com was named to head the Democrats Monday night. Other officers named by the Republicans were Frank Buono vice chairman: Paul llageerty, secretary; Charles Lambertl. treasurer; and the following ward chairmen, Councilman Harry Bosshard, Klrst: Mac Potashnlch Second: Rose Corbo. Third: Ed ward Unser, Fourth; and Gertrude i Workman, Fifth. Miss Eddy announced the Hack- em.ack Committee has taken table for the Alfred Walden test! monlal dinner.
Plans were also made for the annual barbecue to be held Sop tember 11. Members Elect Official Staff For Sisterhood Hackensack Mrs. Robert Sha piro was elected president of the 1' (H.l.u p. vaiut. nf Haelc-nsack He.
ibrew Institute at a meeting last iffhf Other officers elected were Mrs. Aha Hnffnunff In the third and three in the fourth, but a 2-run burst by the visitors chased him with a pair In Whs civth Singles D.v. jcii uannon. urn .1 np. the Rutherford fourth.
Dziadosz had a perfect day with four singles ncuii was wisklu mcv in tho vih hofno oav nir tow of r0Bram. lrs vinnielverse lln on another, and intro. cnare 01 program, mts. innie hurl or as he allowed only rour nus, tie struck out tlRht and walked four. The box noore: DON anst'0 (T) B.
pa Plndiln. rf a Omlrirlunii, lb rwusm. Van Dnlrn, Manpai, if "HlWy. 3b Scully, Shirk. Sb Campbell, as Tout, 1 31 PAHCACK VALLEY It) ab.
RaniM, as Loipiu. rf Hutrttsrhoan, IHn, lb Kctrls. 3b Nli-olcwl. If cn; nia. rf 2 a 3 a 3 3 1 a 3 2b IVMott niumpnburf.
Wood, Malloy, Totals J4 4 31 13 SCORE BV INNINGS 00 son 108 07 1 PawacK Valley 000 0 3 Rutia batted In Ellin, Krtels. Man pal, SkfIIv. Campbell 3 1'wo-bue hits Ellin. Campbell, stolen bajws Loreru. Onder-donk.
Shirk. Ranitea. Double plav Camp. neii to unaeraon. nil d.v pixmei By C.
(anils iSrullyi. Knight Blumrnburm, Shirk i Wood I. Base on balls (Wf Scully 4. Blumenbuia; 2 Struck out By Scully 8. Ma nv 4.
wild Dl pitch Scully. Ift on bates Pascack Valley 3. Don Bosco 0 Hits Off Blumenbunf, 4 In 5 lnnuiffa: Wood, 3 In imiinB. Mallov. 0 In l' inntnes.
Winnina pitcher Scully O-l. Losing pitcher Blumenburg io-l. Umpires Welner (plate), Zlrk (baaea). GOLF LEAGUE Winners Ridgewood. Hackensack Over Wayne And Paterson (Special to the Bergen Evening Record) wayne.
Apr. Zj Kidgewood Hign ucaicu i.aiic. 9 A.S, aiiu Jinin -I ensack whipped Paterson Tech, 94-24. in the opening day action of the scjjool scholastic golf league at me rassaic country uoit course. The scheduled Ramsey-Passaic Valley match was postponed and will be played at a later date.
The summaries: Rlduewood Wayne 2.r Art oil man iWavne) defeated Stuart Moleskl defeated Cleorne Pardiff (Wi, 3-0; Joe Mela (R defeated Auwartar (Wi. 3-0: and Brui-e Johnstone defeated George naramanoi nvi, j-o. 9'. Paterson Tech S1: George Draegar (Paterson Tech I do- i a I "dlS 8nd ne ways and means: Mrs. Bertram in his Job, viv.c uiisiurii, tn vnaisr U'tntaec vlpp.nrpeirlpnt In pharrp membership: Mrs.
Lil Rintel. 'financial secretary; Mrs. llattie Slimertz. cftrresponding secretary; fartriiHn Price rpcnrHin cpf- oreta'ry: Mrs. Pearl Kasmin.
social I Wren Dunn. Spanish i Initractm Mr, Mvman Broadway School, directed the secretary: garten, treasurer; Airs, jaca kos-I enblum. sergeant at arms; and Mrs. Mordecal Simckes, chaplain. Regina Tresenfeld an-.
nounced arrangements are com-t for the annual donor lunch-J eon in New York tomorrow. Buses will leave the City tomorrow at 11 A. M. In a short play entitled. "The tTnh.nb.M Pli.lnM Me am a Unbroken Chain Mrs.
Thomas Bapli. and mop up The box score: HITHKRrORO 151 b. r. h. o.
Flt.gerld. rf 3 1 0 1 Gannon, cf 4 2 2 3 "Bull, 1b 4 0 3 D'lados, 3b 4 1 4 0 fiinty, If 4 0 0 0 RnM. 2b 3 0 0 1 weinti, 3 Kelly, si 2 1 0 3 Wisloff, 3 0 0 4 Hands, 0 0 0 0 tcuh 79 10 21 CLIFFSIDE PARK (3) ab Bogun. rf 4' 1 1' po. 2 2 1 0 0 0 Munsch.
3 0. 0 Brown, as 2 0 Canton. 3b 2 0 1 Costanu, lb 3 0 1 Bendian, If 3 0 0 Caulfield. 3 0 0 a Shelly 0 1 0 Totals 2 3 18 5 4 a Batted fnr cauifieiri in 7th inning score BV innings 13 Rutherford 001 301 xS, Runs batted In Ross. Gannon.
Drla- dosr. Ginty. Takac. Brown, Stolen bases i Mtraeraia i. iveny, uuu.
sacririce nit Gintv. Double Dlav Brown. Mack and CostanrA. Base on balls Off Welntz Hands 1. Caulfield 4.
Struck out on bases Cliffnide Park 6, Rutherford 9 Hlta off WelnU In SS innings: Hands 1 In la Innings. Winning pitcher Welntz (l-0. Losing pitcher Caulfield'-, to-ai. umpire liarrity (plate), (baaea). BELLASSI STARS Pitrhea 2-Hitter As St.
Joe's Of Bogola Tops Rival, 21 To 1 of i i i I 0 a 1 i if l. lu i.Mrs. Jack Lifsnltz nad tile lead struction a water freeway at tht Wis whit Mrs. Shaniro acted a large barge believed to be icaten vince raina i nackensarx Bin Accomanao trii arrcaten jonn.Br WelnU 2. Hands 2.
CauUleld 3. Left narrator. DICKINSON ACCEPTS H. S. HONOR PUPILS Six Top Bergen Students To Enter Freshman Class In Fall Teaneck Fairleigh Dickinson College officials at this campus said today that 12 high school hon- or students, six of them from Ber- gen, have been cleared for admis- fall All the students rank in the upper tenth of their high school class and, I Fnt'lpwonrl riiff st to the freshman class tnis WanUct To luy Rul Iitot 19 FOR" I xed r.e eec'tinn IIrnM' MM.
411 Thomson tt Hail! IIU 3nHu. YOU'RE NEXT "WE HAVE THE OUR SALESMEN SAY, "BUT WE NEED MORE LISTINGS, WE ARE SOLD Will you It't your home be nrxt on our If you ar really intere Ktrd In selling your hnnie. then Mini only then call ur and we will tend one of our representatives to list your home. We are not a member of any multiple listing group nor do we require exclusive listings Fair Call Now For Action! COLFAX 1 2200 WILLIAMSON CO. US KinrirrkAiDNtk Rrf Orartvll Sundv optn amy
ana READ THE MAOAZ1NK SfCTtON rVTHY WK KND IN THE HFHftEN EVKMtNG RErORI XII AUCTIONS LEGALS Ltaali BoRrti r.ii or Mti kri h7S. MITKl TO tOMK, IORH Nolir la htehv mvrti that iwal(t prnpniuila will rcrrivrd by lha Klavnr and Bornuph Council of tua Boroueh of Mw Milfnrd. on Mav 14, at 8 I a i at 1H Borouifh Hatl in the Borouah of Milford. for pairhlntf and aurfnre trtin rrtatn p.ivrd utreaU in int nnrouan or tpw mtiforn. Tha Dfincipal Itpma of work and arjproxlmaia quantttiea are aj follow 1.
13 93 aallona Tar. lirana BT fl-fl. fui nithed. deUvtred and applied 3. 4i BOH broken atont.
pnrad and rolled Total Lump Sum Bid, Itema at and t2 3. 41ft Tont 'i" broken atona, rtillvered. Contraetori must aubmit pi-oprvuita i all ltms tmtrd in the neri(ira tlond. and proposals must be marte upon fornw 'urninhed bv and in accordance will the apecifications provided bv the Boroueh Proapective bidder mav obtain all of the ahove between the houra of a) DO M. and 5'Ofl P.
M. on week- davf, except Saturday i. up to and Inr ud nff Mav nth. at the office of the Borough tngineert. Fra- leiirh cV frrhwanewede.
201 The Plaia. Teaneck. J. Proposalg must be enclosed In a tea led envelope bearing the name and addreu of the bidder and addressed to the Mayor sr.d Council of the Borouah of New Mtlford. Thev mint be accompanied bv a certified cheHc or cash in the amount of lO of the bid and a certificate from a Surely Company authneized to trana-act businew in the State of New Jer-ev.
itatlna that they will bond tha bidder tf awarded the contract. Proposals must be delivered at the time and place specified. The Mavor and Council reserve the light to reiect any or all bids, or any part of any Did. or to waive trrejntlarttieft in the biddma. as the interest of the Borough may dictate.
By order of the Mavor and Council of the Boroueh of New Mtlford. FRANK 3 KF.HOE Borough Clerk A pr 35 Teea 1 3 ti SUPERIOR COI'RT OF NFW JERSEY CH IIIVISION BtKOI.S CO I1 TV NO. F-717-S5 Between U'lTLC FF.RRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOV. a J. Corporation, Plaintiff, vs.
MARTTN and DFTLL MARTHA MARTIN, hia wife. Defendants. Fi fa. Civil Action. Execution.
Returnable July A lrt. Elmer I. Zahi-lskie, Att'y. By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered. I have levied upon and will expose for saie at public vendue at the Sheriff a Office in the City of HackensarK, on WCDVKSDAY, MiY III, at two o'clock In the afternoon.
Eastern Daylight Saving Time. ALL thoe lots, tracts or parcels of land and premises hereinafter particularly de arnbed and situate in the Borough of Little Ferrv, in the Countv of Bergen and State of New Jersey and DESIGNATED as Lota 27. 28 and 29 in Block 2 on a certain map entitled. "Oak Park Map No 2, Coover Realty Company. Little Ferry, N.
filed in the Bergen County Clerk's Office) on June 4. 1931 aa Map No. 3672. Together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, inter- est, use, property, claim and demand of the said defendants of, in, to and out of the same, be told to pay and aatisfy in the first place unto the aaid plaintiff, the sum of with lawful Interest thereon from the 21st day of March. Iflrifl until the same he paid and satisfied, and alvo the costs of the said plaintiff which have been duly taxed at the sum of t2fifl 14.
and in the senmd place unto the said defendant William 7a-branskv the sum of CI.294 7S. with lawful Interest thereon from the 1st dav of February, lff-W until the same be paid and sti5fied. and also the coats of the said defendant which have been duly taxed at the mm mOO.ARiw mm Sheriff II Rrd -Bertfenite Presa SBF 2072 Apr, 1 8-25-May 2-fr Fees 66j SUPERIOR COCRT OF NFW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION BIRGfcV COUNTY BOCKKT NO. 10I2-B5 Between JOSEPH ROMANO and EMILY ROMANO, his wife, are plaintiffs and ANGELO SAVA and MARY H. SAVA, his wife, are defendants, Fi.
Returnable July 7. A. 1956. Bcrthold Vorsanger, Att'y. By virtue of the ahove stated writ to me directed and delivered, i have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at the Sheriff! Office in the City of Hackensack.
on WEDNESDAY, MAY lb, 1956 at two o'clock irMhe afternoon, daylight savings time, ALL that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises, hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and being in the Borough of North vale, in the County of Bergen and State of New Jersey, beginning at a point in the easterly line of Livingston Street, formed by the Intersection of said easterly line of Livingston Street, with the dividing line between the property now or formerly of Dorm-nick S. Flrenze and Sarah Flrenze, his wife, and the property now or formerly of John Reynolds, and from thenoe running il) southerly aionjf the easterly line of Livingston Street one hundred 100) feet to a point: thence (2 easterly parallel with Paris Avenue two hundred (200) feet to a point; thence 3 northerly parallel with the easterly line of Livingston Street eightv-six and eighty-seven hundredths (88.87, feet, more or less, to a point in the aforementioned dividing line between-the property now or formerly of formerly of Dominick S. Flrenze and Sarah Fii enze, his wife, and the property now or formerly of John R. Reynolds; and thence f4t westerly along the said dividing line between the property now or formerly of Dominick S. Firenze and Sarah Firenze, his wife, and the property now or formerly of John J.
Reynolds, two hundred one and seventy-eight hundredths 1201.781 feet to the point or place of beginning. BEING the same premises which were conveyed to the said Angelo Sava and Mary rL-Sava. his wife by the said Joseph Romano and Emily Romano, his wife, by deed bear trig even date with these presents, and this is a purchase money mortgage made and given to secure the payment of a part of the consideration for said conveyance. SUBJECT to restrictions, covenants, conditions and easem*nts of record, if any, and all unpaid municipal liens and tax sales certificates: restrictions imposed by zoning and municipal ordinances and municipal building regulations, and such facts as an accurate survey and inspection would disclose, and a mortgage made by Angelo Sava and Mary H. Sava, hia wife, to the Ber-genfleld Sa vines and Loan Association bearing the date of October 13, 1954.
Together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, use, property, claim and demand of the said defendants of, in, to and out of the same, be sold to pay and aatisfy in the first place unto the said plaintiff, the sum of $4.55.85. with lawful interest thereon from the 2nd day of March, 1956 until the same be paid and satisfied and also the cost of th said plamtitf which have been duly taxed at the sum of MARTTN J. FEPBFR Sheriff SBF 20874 I Bed -Northern ValW Tribune Apr. lS-aa-May 2-9 Fee $38 44 91 sunt i To Wham It KUv oiwn! Plea tike imiic-f that tin under UK. icd ft iit aptty to the Hoi gen County Court tt the 4 in day of M.
194 at to UO in the tMvnan Or as ftuor) thereafter cuuiuwl hiav hrd at tive County touit Mouae In 11 try ft an wtirr auihorUmt them to utumi other tn wit, Pir Paul ndt, Jotnttt mls, pursuant to the piovuiona of ttuf la) lurft cm! mtiia and pimi.ird Peter I'aul ennate) Joaapitiite Ann fcandunato Bernard Albert Atttitnev fur 4 Church FtliiNin 1. New Jersey filUL4-" Ui8 49 JUL. MKrCK NOTllti TO miH lift Healed bins (or the printing of tn unlin.iu-a HMnn of the City of Ha. kenmi incUnlin! rnatun, bum tuna vf hole and Inset turn tn biruieia to he furnikhed bv the City, lit ationlanr with aiiecitirations on ftta at the offue of the i lly la tt ol the Citv of Mkensk. whun apertiH'atiuna will Ih fuiuihed Uin lequeM tu anv tnteiesied bidder, will he leo-Ked hy the City Council of the City of lLukenMck, Betgen Cmintv, New Jrraev.
in the Coumil rhamhera. Thud Flmr, Citv 1UU, tntil Axenue tUt New files at 8 oo pievailing lima on the 7th dav of May, 19,4, at ft hi lime the said hida will be puhlulv opened and read. No bids will be levelled prior to the said hour and none theieafler Pmpoeala must he submitted on 'Form of Piop(al" furnished bv the t'ltv of Haruensark. nttainahle at the offu of the CHv Clerk, First Floor, Citv Hall, Harkenawk. New Jamev.
between the houis of 10 no A and 4 oo dallv. eitrept Satui da and Sunriats Complete stvevifirationa covering produrle to be finniihed must accompany all ptomualit Tte City Council of th dly of Harketuarfe reserve the right to waive anv informalities In or to reject 'an or all bids or to accept the one that in Its Judgment will he the best inteiest of the City of Hark en tack CITY OF THE CITY OF HACKENSACK By ETHIX HOYT City Clerk Agr. r-r 1 1 13 4 BOROffill OF HAjtRROITK HI. It; II T4, NEW JI.RHIY Scaird ptopoala for giading and rfrainai; of Pmspect bt will be received bv the Mavor and Council In the Cnunril Chamber, Municipal Building, Hasbrnuck Heights, J. until 8 an M.
Eastern Davllght Smg Time, on Mav and, 19 Ml at which time thev will be publicly opened and read No bid! will be arrpted after said hour. Information for bidders, proposal form, specimen contract, plans, specif lea ions, and other pertinent contract document! mav examined and obtained at the offices of Bo we A inert on nd Associates, 7.5 West St New York City, and at the Office of the Borough Clerk, Municipal Building, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J- between the hours of 10 A M. and 4 P. M.
daily (except Saturdays. Sundays and Holidays Upon making a deposit of Fifteen dollars (SIM which will be refunded to bidder onlv who applv for a refund within 30 davs after the date when the proposals are Ppened and who return the plana and snerifirations in good condition. A certified check made pa vat tie to the order of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights. or a duly executed bid bond In the amount of 5'- of the bid must be deposited by each bidder with hia bid as a guarantee that in case the rontrart is awarded to him. he will execute such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond Acceptance of the bid will be contingent upon fulfillment of this requirement bv the bidder and on failure to do so he shall forfeit the deposit.
The Mavor and Counril of the Borough of Hwhrouck Heights reserve the right to reject anv and all bids and to waive any Informalities or to accept the bid which in its Judgment will be for the bet inter- et of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF HASBROUCK HEIGHTS. N. J. By Rohert I Rafford, Borough Clerk. April 23 Fees $12 98 (S9 AOVERTISEMFNT NOTICE TO BIODLR4 Public notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor, material! and equipment for the construction of an Addition and Alterations to the Charles De Wolf Elementary School.
Borough of Old Tappan. New Jersev. will be received at 8:30 P. M. Monday.
Mav 7. 1956. E. D. by this Board of Education In the auditorium of the Charles De Wolf Elementary School, Old Tappan Road, Borough of Old Tappan.
Bergen County. New Jersev, at which time and place all blda will be publicly opened and read. Separate sealed bids will be re-reived for the following work: General Construction. f5 Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Iron Work. Oi Plumhtng.
i4i Heating and Ventilating 1 51 Eleririral Work Instructions to Bidders, form of proposal, drawings, specifications and other documents for the above-mentioned project may be examined at the office of the Architect, ha H. Davey. 8 Depot Square. Englewood, New Jersey, and one copy of each of the foregoing may be ohtained upon application to the Architect or Secretary of the Board of Education, T. Baldwin Demarest.
Old Tappan. New Jersey, upon deposit of a certified check made to the order of the Board of Education. Old Tappan. New Jersev in the amount of $25 00 for each separate branch of the work. This deposit will be refunded to the bidder upon return of such documents in good order within ten days of receipt of bids, provided that a formal proposal ha been submitted by the bidder making the deposit, As more tully set forth in the Instructions to Bidders, each bidder must deposit with his bid suretv In the form of a hid bond or certified check drawn to the order of the Board of Education.
Old Tappan, New Jersey, In the amount of per cent of the base bid. as a guarantee that in case the contract is awarded to the bidder, he will, within ten days thei eafter. execute the contract and furnish a satisfactory per-formance bond. No bidder may withdraw Ma bid wtlhin forty-five days after the actual date of the opening thereof, nor after acceptance of a bid by th Board. A successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond in approved form and with aemritv aatisiactory to the Board of Education, which bond shall be in an amount equal to- 100 per rent of the btdder'a contract and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of such contract and payment of all claims for labor and materials furnished thereunder In accordance with the requirements of law.
The Board of Education reserves the right to reject anv and all hide and to waive any defect or informality in, any bid and to accept the bid that In Its judgment will lie for the best interest of the Old Tappan Board of Education. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, OLD TAPPAN. BERGEN COUNTY, NEW JERSEY T. BALDWIN DEMAREST Secretary Dated April 5. I9S8 Apr.
25 Fees $19 ffl9l SLPERIOR CO! Rt OF NFW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION BERUKN COUNTY DOCKET NO. 5-53 Between THE PRUDENTIAL INSUH-ANTE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of New Jersev, Plaintiff, vs. A BR AM RAY MARSHALL. Also known as ABRAM MARSHALL, DELBERT TE-' TER and HARRIET A. TETER.
Civil Act ion Execution Returnable July 10, A. 1950. Walter H. Jones. Att'y.
By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered. I have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at the Sheriff's Office in the City of Hackensack, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 193 at two o'clock in the afternoon. Daylight savings Time, All the following tract or parcel of land and oremiva hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Franklin Lakes, in the County of Bergen and Stale of New Jer sey; beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of Connie Avenue, said point being distant 451.16 feet on a bearing of South 47 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West along the same from its intersection with the southwesterly line of Franklin Ave nue, and running: thence fl) South 42 degrees, 48 minutes 00 second Boat, H8 88 feet to a point: thence (2) South 23 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconos west feet to a point; thence 3 South 57 degrees 53 min utes 50 seconds West 17.64 feet to a point: thence (4t lNorth 42 decrees. 48 minutes 00 seconds West. 158 04 feet to a point In the aforementioned southeasterly line of Connie Avenue: thence 5 North 47 decrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East, 125.00 feet along the same to the point or place of Beginning.
Together with all and singular the tights, liberties, privileges, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, inter est, use, property, claim and demand of the said defendants of, in, to and out of the same, be sold to pay and satisfy In the first place unto the said plaintiff, the sum of $5,800 46. with lawful interest thereon from the 24th day of February. 1956 until the same be paid and satisfied, and also the costs of the said plaintiff which have been duly taxed at the sum of $194 65: And in the second place unto the said aetencant a. uhiis a turns. trading as Carteret Associates, the sum of $929.57.
with lawful interest thereon from the 24lh day of February. 1956 until the same be paid and satisfied, and aim the costs of the satd plaintiff which have been duly taxed at the sum of S'25 00; dlAK IWi aj. EKBtK Sheriff SBF 20875 -Wvcknff News Apr. 25-May a-9-18 Feed 875 88 P. Chairman As Committee Heads; Eddy was re-elected for a MaliaVMMHIilfailfaMMae PICKS OFFICERS DeVinccntis Tops Slate At Nominations Hackensack John DeVlncentli last night was nominated for pre! dent of the Broadway School P.
T. Other nominees were Mrs. Sal Mendltlo, first vice-president; rred Cerbo. second vice-president; Miss Dorothea G. Widman.
honorary president: Mrs. Lawrence Dt Amlco, secretary; and Thomas Casey, treasurer. The slate was presented by Ma. Lawrence Pedone. president.
Mrs. Clive Dill, City speech therapist, told the group of her work at Broadway School and other similar Institutions here. She supplemented her talk with the use of a tape recorder. Mem bers of the audience had an op portunity to learn about speech progress of Broadway children, when they beard individual record ed sessions. Pupils of the first four grades enacted classroom scenes In which Spanish is spoken.
They wer asked to describe articles, con I Nl-F I lit" 1 1 1 111 1 1 if vi Mil in iGnBHf.h Miss Filomena Peloro, super visor of Spanish In elementary schools, here, presented the pro gram. Miss Rosalie Brancato and Mrs. special presentation. DIVER TO EXAMINE BOAT BASIN BARGE Waterfront Committee To Attempt Removal Of Obstruction Edgewater A diver will be sent into the Hudson River to examint ob jUMriviiius oudi odaiu. Plans for the investigation wert made at a meeting of the Waterfront Committee last night in tht Borough Hall.
It is believed that the barge is also partly responsible for heavy silting at the site. Members of the Committee believe the hull of the craft to ba full of mud and that there are holes in its sides. It is hoped that tha mud can be cleared, the hole patched and the barge refloated and dismantled. It was announced that the Water- frnnf fnmmittpA trftc atnrtinfr fl drive for funds to continue its cleanup work. Robert Cavalier, was named chairman, assisted by Plans call for sending letters to local organizations and industries for contributions.
Albert Von Dohln Jr. was in structed by the committee to enter into a contract with Ralph Rambona and Charles Luckach. private contractors, for removal oi three barges at a cost of S300 each. HEALTH BOARD AIRS CODE AMENDMENT Regulations Governing Vending To Be Drawn By Attorney Midland Park An amendment to the sanitary code regulating vending machines was discussed by the Board of Health last night. If Borough Attorney John Ham-ersma Jr.
can draw it in time, it wiU be presented at a recessed meeting May 8 and get a public hearing May 22. A resolution was passed to allow use of precast concrete septic tanks in the Borough. Regulations governing reportable and communicable diseases were also approved. Polio vaccine shots were given to 2s9 at a clinic April 14 and a maka up clinic is set Saturday from 2 to 2:30 P. M.
at the Municipal Building. The tuberculosis X-ray bus attracted 394 persons Monday. CHURCH REPORTS ON RELIEF WORK Zion Lutheran Congregation Sends 300 Pounds Of Clothing Saddle River Zion Lutheran Church sent close to 300 pounds of used clothing to the Lutheran World Relief warehouse in Phillips-burg, representing the church's collections since last fall. Clothing is received on a year round basis at the church for distri bution around the world on the basis of need regardless of race or religion, according to the Rev. Wil liam F.
Behrens, pastor. TOTAL REPORTED Easter Seal Campaign Collection Set At S100 By Children Allendale This Borough raised more than $100 during the Easter Seal campaign for the County Cerebral Palsy Center. Mrs. Aarold G. Asp reported that intermediate Girl Scouts of Troops 149, 50, 51.
and 53 collected $81 during Lily Tag Days, An additional $27 was raised by the coin bank committee, according to Mrs. Stuart E. Archibald. RUMMAGE SALE Annual Event Of Women's Guild To Open 2-Day Stand Ridgewood The annual rummage sale of the Christ Episcopal Church Women's Guild wiU open a 2-day stand at the church parish house tomorrow under the chairmanship of Mrs. R.
V. Arnold. A wide variety of merchandise including dishes, clothing, and a specialty table will be available, from 9 A. M. to 5 P.
M. tomorrow jafid Friday. 1444 FcNd sr'taii ae 11 MA ai I NWkay Fata- mua, 4- at ii II A FRANK. W. Hll.L Apr.
IB 3 Fa u4 TJ NOT It I Sealed prnpoaata ll received by the Cheiiman of the Pwnlie Wat as CuRimillee and Clerk of the Bueud St rehdlfleia oi the County of erg. at me on ice of the Clem or the Hnad Unck, en Wt.di, May 7tn. I at 10 A fur pteiMiIng aurUtes for and riatntlng of Yaupetih Btuige, rroea-ng kite Hamapo Htar on the dl vttimg Una tie i ween th borough of Getuand and Tgwmhlp of Mnhwah hue i Oral tuns iev be seen and fnirtia of proiKal obtained nut later than one dav tietoe letting, at the office of the County lifiineer. Ad-miitialf ativt Building, Hackensack, 1h Bidder name must appear on ttta envelope and tailme to rom Ely tneiewith may cause the tj soon of the hid All proiHais mut be accompanied bv a certified check fur ten per cent of the amount bid, payable to the Otdr of the County, of tin nan, The bidder munt accumpanv his bid with 4 certificate from a aurety company actepiabl to the Btd of Fiee-nmtleia that such sureiv company will pioviue the bidder with a bond, 4a ii required in satd specification Each bid must be eiuiosed in a aecuiely seaieu envelope and en-Ooieed "Proposal Preparing surfaces lor and painting of Yaupaugh Brings. OakiandMahwah.
The rtuht to teiect anv or all bid! fnr anv causa whatsoever la hereby reserved, I. MERRILL SFABERO CHAIRMAN public work roMMirrts WILLIAM SMITH. Cle.k Apr 25 May a Feea $20 24 4 NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received bv the Chatt man of the public Worka Commit lee and Clerk of the Boaid of Feeholdet4 of the County of Benren at the office of the Clerk of the Boaid. Hackensack, on Monday. May 7lh, I9.w at 1010 A for prepaiing surfaces for and painting of Oveipeck Creek Bridge cioasing Oveipeck Creek In the Borouah of Ridtfrfieid and the Village of Riiigefield Park, nations mav be seen and forma of proposals obtained not later than one day before letting, at the otftre of the Countv Engineer, Administrative Building, Hackensack, N.
The Bidder's name must appear on the envelope and failure to comply therewith may cause the rejection of the bid All proposals must be accompanied a certified check for ten per cent or the amount bid, payable to the order of the County of Bergen, The bidner must accompany his bid with 4 certificate from a sutetv com- Rany acceptable to the Board of Free-olders that such surety company will provide the bidder with a bond, as ts required In said specification. Each bid must be enclosed, in 4 securely sealed envelope and endorsed Proposal' Painting Over--ck Bridge, Ridgefteld-Ridgefield Park The right to reiect any or all btdi for anv cause whatsoever is hereby reserved. E. MERRILL SEARERG CHAIRMAN VBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE WILLIAM R. SMITH.
Clerk Apr. 25-May 2 Fees $20.24 (4fi NOTICE Sealed proposals will he received by the Chaitman of the Public Works Committee and Clerk of the Board of Freeholders of the County of Bergen at the office of the Clerk of the Board. Hackensack, N. on Monday, 7th. 1954 at 10:40 A.
M. for preparing surfaces for and painting of Court Street Bridge, crossing the Hackensack River between the City of Hackensack, and the Borough of Bogota. Knvif Irnt Inne mav seen anri forms of proposals obtained not later than one day before letting, at the office of the County Engineer. Administrative Building. Hackensack, N.
The Bidder name must appear on the envelope and failure to com- ply tneiewith may cause a reiec-hon of the hid. All proposals must be accomoanied by a certified check for ten per cent of the amount bid, payable to, the order of the County of Bergen. i ne pinner must accompany nts bid with a certificate from a surety com pany accept a oie to me noara oi tree holders that such surety company mill provide the bidder with a bond, as Is required in said specification. earn Did must be enclosed in a securely sealed envelope and endorsed "Proposal' Preparing sur faces for and painting of Court Street Bridge, Hackensark-Bogota. The Hflht to reier anv or ail bids for any causa whatsoever la hereby reserved.
X. MERRILL SEARERG CHAIRMAN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE WILLIAM R. SMITH, Clerk Apr, a rees u.i4 i4gi NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received bv the Chan man of the Public Works Committee and Clerk of the Board of Freeholders of the Countv of Bergen at the office of the Clnk of the Board. Hackensack, N. on Monday.
May 7th, 1954, at 10 A for preparing surfaces for and painting of Andenon Street Bridae. crossing the Hackensack River between the City of Hackensack and the Township of Teanecl. Specifications may seen and forma of proposals obtained not later than one day before letting, at the office of the County Engineer, Administrative Building, Hackensack, The Bidder's name must appear on the envelope and failure to comply therewith may cause the rejection of the hid All proposals must be accompanied nv a certified check for ten per cent of the amount bid, payable to the Older of the County of Bergen. The bidder must accompany his hid with a certificate fiom a surety company acceptable to the Hoard of Freeholders that such suret company will provide the bidder with a bond, as is i eq ulred in said specification. Each bid must be emloned tn a aecuiely Healed envelope and en-domed "Proposal" Pi eii lug aur-far for and painting of Andereon Street Budge, Hackenaacfc -Teaneck.
The right tn retert any or all blda for any cause whatsoever ts hereby reserved. MERRILL SKAHERC3 -CHAIItM AN PUBLIC WORK COMMITIEE 1 SMITH. Clerk Apr. 2.VMay aFera 820 24 (48) NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received by the Chairman of the Public Works Committee and Clerk of the Boaid of Freeholders of the Countv of Bergen at the office of the Clerk of he Board at kensnck, on Monday. May 7th, at A.
M. for preparing surface for and painting of Overpeck Creek Bridge, eromlng Overpeck Creek In the Borough of Leonia and the Township of Teaneck. Specification! may ha seen and forma of proposals obtained not later than one day before letting, at the office of the Countv Engineer, Administrative Building. Hackensack, N. J.
The Bidder's name must appear on the envelope and failure to comply therewith may cause the rejection of the bid. All proposals must bo accompanied by a certified check, for ten per cent of the amount bid, payable to the order oMhe County of Bergen. The bidder must accompany his hid with a certificate from a surety company acceptable to the Board of Freeholders that such surety company will provide the bidder with a bond, as la required in said specification. Fch bid must be enclosed in a securely sealed envelope and endorsed: "Proposal" Preparing surfaces for and painting of Overpeck Creek Bridge. Leonia-Teaneck.
The right to reject any or all blda for any cause whatsoever la hereby reserved. E. MERRILL SEABERG CHAIRMAN -PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE WILLIAM R. SMITH. Clerk Api2VMay 2 Fees $20.24 SUPERIOR COI'RT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION BERGEN COUNTY DOCKET NO.
1168 55 Between First Savings and Loan As-eociation of East Paterson, N. a corporation of the State of New Jersey, is Plaintiff and Adam C. Nelss and Florence M. Neiss and Albert Ehlers. a corporation are defendants.
FI. fa. Civil Action. Execution. Returnable July 6, A.
1956. Samuel Sieber, Att'y. By virtue of the above stated writ to me directed and delivered. 1 have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at the Sheriff Office in the City of Hackensack. on WEDNESDAY.
MAY 16. 1958 at two o'clock in the afternoon, Eastern Daylight Saving Time. ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Emerson, in the County of Bergen, in the State of New Jersey: BEING known and designated as all of Lot No. 13 in Block. No.
313 as shown and designated on map entitled "Subdivision Map. Continental Woods. Formerly Emwood Acres Borough of Emerson, Ber-. gen County. New Jersev, Scale I'll)', April 28, 1953, David D.
Cas-cino, Pixrfcssional Engineer and Land Sum Garfield. N. filed in the Clerk's Office of the County of Bergen on September 28. 1953 as Map x437. SUBJECT to restrictions and easem*nts of record, if any.
Together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, use. property, claim and demand of the said defendants of, In, to and out of the same, be sold to pay and eatisfv in the first piece unto the said nlamtiff, the sum of 815.386 69. with liwful Interest thereon from the 22nd day of March. until the same be paid and satisfied, and also the costs of the said plaintiff which have been duly taxed at the sum of $307 K6: MARTIN J. FERBER Sheriff SBF 20873 1 Red -Westwood News Apr.
18-25-May 2-9 Fee $54 32 (84) have attained test scores andMrs. Helen Grown, secretary. CRAWFORD'S Klnderkamark Rd WKstwont Weetwnnd Open Evea. WEST WOOD twofamilv rroNOMY Live piarllrallv Rent-Pree; David Hooper pi hull) onlv I vn: 1 and 3 lovely rooms, erlenre kllrhen. etc full basem*nt steam heat; alum, cnmlia etc Only l7.5wi, Gl 30.
3r. terms I. K1SLAK, REALTOR main sthack ni sjhmo immhome, tlla balh. enrloied porch. 2 car garage, low taxes, excellent location.
Prict gorab agency S27 Hackensack st Wood-Ridge GKneva -U33 WYCKOKF Large 5 room hrlck ranch. 3 years old. attached garage, enclosed pnrrh, expansion attic. Ilia kitrhen, aluminum comb storms and screens. 37x3So (t landscaped lot, priced to sell.
900. FLEER, ASSOC. LA 5-46H 8 Br.nRfJOM HOUSE IN woodcliff lake Living room 18 35 ft, and library .3 hathrma and laundry. Greenhouse and tenant roitaut. 1 arrt plot bordered ny brook.
prick sn.vr.oo HKLE.N S. A YM AR Glen Road Woodruff Uki PA KR I DOE ALFISBROS. rrsTOM Hot'sr. on yoi'r property 35 FEET LONG 8.SOO COMPLETE DliMONT 4-44 NEW SPLIT LEVEL 7 ROOMS $21,500 CHECK THESE FEATURES Center hall, fireplace. Ua bathi.
beautiful recreation room. full basem*nt, gorgeous kitchen with built-in wall oven, Gaa hot water heat. garage. acre plot. Top quality construction.
DOWN F0RG.I. 4'i nlca rooms. Solid masonry con-atruction Screened-ln aun porch, fover with nuert closet, plaster walli. full basem*nt. attached Itarage, acreena.
storm windows and Venetian blinds Price P)0 Call now. F0CH1 BROTHERS 899 Main Lodl. GReiiory 3-4MB REAL ESTATE OF ALL TYPES BERGEN AND RQCKLAND COUNTIES JAMES R. DEE 129 Park Av. PArk Ridge -rR9 Open Sun.
1-5 P. M. Eves, by Appt. Av. PArk Rl $107600" CALL DUMONT 4-4B46 3 BEDROOM HOUSE ON YOUR PROPERTY Lots for lolo 85 BERGEN COUNTY LOTS FORT LEE $6,300 LARGE PLOT.
l'flSx 125. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PALISADES $4,900 TJESIRABLB CORNER PROPERTY 50 8 PALISADES $13,200 Double plot, located In the Palisades Gardens. looxl on TEANECK $3,280 RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD. ALL IMPROVEMENTS. 51 10(1.
LITTLE FERRY $6,600 3 LOTS 150 InO. ALL IMPROVEMENTS LIST YOUR LOTS WITH US WE HAVE DAILY INQUIRIES FOR ALL SORTS OF -LOTS ft LOCATIONS. SAftTIGLIA ORGANIZATION 1M4 Lemolne. Fort Lea Branch Office Windsor 4-0OB7 Open Sunday to 8 Dally 9-9 OWN A HOME with your own golf course, club house, 3 lakes, etc. Lot sizes 75x110.
Prices $3100. 3.1200. 34000, $4Sno. By appointment. CRAWFORD'S, WEstwood S-2683.
RESTRICTED RESIDENTIAL PLOTS UPPER SADDLE RIVER beautiful 1 acre building, sites 2 with brook fine hifth locations overlooking Saddle River Valley. Priced seperatelv. Principals only Call owner H. E. Wulster.
DAvls 7-2329 evenings or week-ends. Land For Salt 86 BERGEN CO. 34-1 acre plots, approved map, high location. R5 ooo. cash Builder's terms.
HESSE REALTORS. Dl 2-7757. Out of County For Sola 87 MAINE COASTAL OR SEBAGO PROPERTIES. Farms Camps -Small established businesses. Tell us what you want Write STANLEY V.
SMITH. Broker, 477 Con-gress Box 918, Portland. Maine. Shoro, M'ntain, Lofce-Solo 87-A HIGHLAND LAKES cabin, new. lge.
iiv. rm fireplace. 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen. Ixe. wooded plot just off big lake, electric hot waler.
boat. Valued at S10.50O. Will accept best offer.Gl4:5282. LAKE LOTS Low price. Near Nel cong and Hopatcong.
Electricity, water, good roads, trees. GE 8-4773 STtYUNE LAKE lakefront lot. 57x100. Summer and year 'round. Conv.
to Mahwah. TE 6-1927. W1LDWOOD VILLAS. 4 rms. bath, beach area, Int.
all ennv. Full Drlce 33.250. Easy terms. Bathing, boating and fishing. J.
Millman. villas, WonteJ To Buy Reol Estof 89 -W AFT SELLING YOUR HOME? We need listings. For prompt service. CALL Joseph w. Carlson TENAFLY .012 F.N 4-4873 WANTED Improved building plot! within 5 mile radius of Saddle Brook.
Will pay up to 3.uuo casn PRescott 9-4100 IHg CAN SELL YOt: ROMS Ur.DD A TT tn rrtMy fne TExneck 8-0178 YOUNG Couple desires building plot 4. Q'arKinfHAn Tnwnchin iTall Say You Saw It In The Bergen Evening RECORD of Bogota scored a recent 21 to! 1 baseball victory over St. Joseph's Home of Englewood Cliffs. Ballassu twirled a 2-hitter for the winners, me oox score: Jeph'S (2IISI. Joseph's H.
(II a o. r. man, 2 II Gross. 3b Chase, cf 4 3 O'lles, sa 3 S'van, 3b 2 Foley, II Hares, lb OILopet, ef 3jniile, 1 Peret, 0Yogg. 2b Cm.
as 5 Lehnee, lb 4 Pallntta. lb 3 Moss, If 0 Also, rf 3 Pace, 1 Reliant. 3 Malley, 2b 1 0 a-C'tello PC pa. 1 Rvan, as 1 H'man, rf Small. 3b 2 Murray, 2b 1 1 ol 01 32 31 14 10 1 Batted fnr Gioas In 2nd Inning.
Nt OKK 1 1NNIM.H St. Joseph a Hngnia oa.1 30721 st, Joseph a Hume too 0011 Psllolta, Alphonso Struck out By Bel lassl 7, Fol-y 7. Wlnnlni ng pitcher Hal- I. n.l Loslntt nltcher oley. Umpires Alphonso tplatei, Wurdeman (bases).
WALL1NGT0N TIES Panthers And Wayne High Fight To 5-5 Baseball Deadlock WaUlngton WaUlngton and Wayne fought to a 5-5 tie yesterday in an error-filled 8-lnnlng affair. The Panthers scored all their runs in the second frame, while Wayne came back with two In the third and three in the fifth. Darkness finally settled the issue. The score by innings: Wavne 002 030 005 7 5 Waillnglon 030 000 00 5 5 4 Runs batted In Ballentlne. Szambor-akl.
Two-base hit Ballantine. Stolen bases Iwanlckl Wieczezak, Lewis. Myers. Relder. Murzorkuwlcg.
Sacrifice hits Szambaroski, KassK, uuma. Aug, Klrchenhelter. Double play Konlkowskl and Kaszak. Hit by pitcher By Bal- lantlne (Wieczezak). Base on balls Off Konlkowskl 1.
Golabek 7. Ballantlne 2. Rosika 1, Struck out By Konlkowskl 1. Golabek 7. Ballantlne 6.
Rosika 4. Wild pitch Ballantine. Passed ball Rendzio. Left on bases Wellington 7, Wavne Hits off Konlkowskl 1 in 1 i Innings; Golabek 6 in 7, innings; Bal lantlne 7 in 5 innings: Rosika 0 In 3 in nings. Umpire Devlin (plate).
Dupes (Oases). DE JOHN WINNER Buffalo, N. Apr. 25 vtV-Mike De John, 198, Syracuse, N. scored a technical knockout last night over Roy Bullock, 1864J Freeport, N.
in 2:57 of the seventh round of a scheduled 10-round hpawupio-hf hnnt in TWpmnrinl i Alexander IP T. 3-0: Ben Yannelli (H) defeated Harry Garden (P Tl. 3-0; Angle Hlondino H) defeated Randnt Saaao IPI.I, 3-0. COMET FUSILEERS BOW Hackensack The Hackensack rifle team dropped a 469-466 match yesterday to visiting Paterson Eastside. Bill Bley and Bill Zurder-vliet paced the Comets with 96 out of 100.
Dl'DDY NOMINATED Rutherford Tom Duddy, St. Clary's High basketball star, has been nominated to play in the1 VoWh. Smith hnslrnthnll came, it was announced last mum by Coach John Westlake. Tennis Slate TODAY Tenafly at Bergenfield, 4 P. M.
TOMORROW Bprgenfirld at Teaneck, 4 P. M. FRIDAY Tenafly at Englewood. 4 P. M.
Teaneck at Rutherford, P. M. MonUlnlr at Ridgewood, 3:45 P. M. Pearl River at Haverstraw, 4 P.
M. N. N. J. I.
L. Matches. XII AUCTIONS LEGALS Locjati 91 hotter, or sai.s Take Notice, that on Monday tha 30th day of April at 4 3D P. M. of that day at Rosenherga Auto Sales, Broad Avenue, FairvTew, N.
J. 1 will aell at Public Auction all the Right. Title and Interest of lYancia Si i angel lo In the following for a default In Conditional Kales Con- 10S1 Plymouth Coach. Model eP22 Serial 181HlM JAMES I. NORTON) Constable and Bailiff for Ridgefleld National Bank Apr.
JRFees a.S2 NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the undersigned will apply to the Bergen County Couit on the 4th day of Slav. 1956 at 10:00 In the forenoon, or aa soon thereafter as coun-ael mav be heard at the Court House in Hackensack. New Jersey, tor an Order authorizing them to assume other names, to wit. the namea of Alfred Marlowe. Agnes Marcella Marlowe Karen Anne Marlowe and Alfred Edward Marlowe, pursuant to the provisions of the statute in such cases made and provided.
OTTO ALFRED MAIOLO AGNES MARCELLA MAIOLO Karen Anne Malolo and Alfred Edward Malolo Bv AGNES MARCELLA MAIOLO, their mother Bernard L. Albert Attorney for Plaintiffs 4S Church Street Paterson 1, New Jersey April 411-18-23 fees $24 84 (2) APPLICATION TO ASSUME OTHF.R NAME Pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey. Section 2A.52-1 et entitled "An Act to authorize persons to change their names" and the amendments thereto, notice Is hereby given that we shall apply to the Bergen County Court. Law Division, at the Administrative Building, in Hackensack, New Jersey, on Friday the 4th day of Mav. 1956.
at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon or aa soon thereafter aa we can be heard for an Order to authorize us to assume other names, to wit: JENNIE BAKER and JULIA BAKER. jtjgENIA PIEKARZ 23 Tuttle Street WaUlngton, New Jersey JUUA PIEKARZ 23 Tuttle Street Wellington. New Jersey DATED: February 14. 1939 JOSEPH A. BANAS.
ESQ. 130 Main Avenue Wellington. New Jersey A4-ll-18SFees 325.52 (2B "board of edOcation oraiihx, n. j. notice to ft el oil bidders The Board of Education.
Borough of Oradell, New Jersey, will receive bids on Fuel Oil on Tuesday. May 9th. 1956 at 8:00 P. M. (E.
D. S. at the Oradell Junior High School, Oradell. S. J.
No. 6 heavy Industrial fuel oU having the following characteristics; I Flash point degrees F-150; 2. Water and sediment content In percent "Water by distillation plus sediment bv Sum maximum 2T. "maximum sediment by extraction should not exceed 0 a deduction in quantity shaU be maae for ail water and sediment in excess of 1 3. Viscosity in seconds SAYBOLDT FUROL at 122 degrees F.
Maximum 300 degreea. minimum 45 degrees. The average seasonal requirement wtl be 40.000 to 45.000 gallons of oil The Board reserves tha right to reieot any or aU bids JOHN ESCHENBACH District Clerk Apr. a Fee 42 (3D 1 recommendations substantiating; their high grades, the college said, Three of the students rank first in their graduating class. Bergen students are Carol E.
Bechtel of Ridgefield Park, Denna T. Bcrenbach of Bogota, Jacque-lyn C. Grosso of Westwood. Roberta A. Hess of Hillsdale, Frederick ZeMer of Teaneck, add Adele Vin-cen: of Fort Lee.
Miss Hess is being graduated from the Pascack Valley Regional High School, first in a class of 95. Miss Vincenz will leave Fort Lee School first in graduating class of 101. Zeigler, of Teaneck High School, won a science scholarship competitive during his senlon year. COLLEGE CLUB TAKEN ON TOUR Dr. Reid Takes Group On Visual, Audio Trip To India Fair Lawn Mrs.
Chandos Reid, former curriculum co-ordinator of local schools, conducted a kaleido scopic tour of India for members of the College Club last night. Dr. Reid recently returned from India where she and her husband conducted workshops in secondary education. They were joint Ful-bright scholars there, traveling, meeting, and living among the natives for more than a year. Her talk focused upon the people of India.
Dr. Reid stressed India's youth among nations of the world. She cited the more than 200 languages spoken in the country as a barrier to genuine national unification. Less than 20 per cent of Indians are literate, she said. India is a land of poor villages and handicraft, she asserted.
Dr. Reid exhibited samples of Indian craft1 work. She accom panied her talk with color slides. D0RGEL0H NAMED Chairman In Rutherford Rutherford WUliam P. Doreeloh of Santiago Avenue last night was elected chairman of the Republican a'Municipal County Committee.
He replaces Griswold B. HoUman. who had been chairman for many years. The committee named Dorgeloh over HoUman at the session. Ob servers here said today the choice stemmed from the fact that the committee will select the oerson who wiU run for Mayor in the gen eral election tn November, to fill the vacancy caused by the death recently of Mayor Julius Forhecz.
ASSIGN CHORES C. D. AuxUiary Police Are Given Designated Roles For Drill Edgewater Assignments for the Civil Defense Operation May Day. were given members of the Civil Defense Auxiliary Police at a meet ing last night at C. D.
headquar ters. It was announced that the unit again will enter a team in the East Bergen Auxiliary Police Pistol League. Named to a committee were Fred Brown, Frank Haag, and Patrick Donnelly. Auditorium. With most of Committee Elects fans clamoring for action, De John cut loose in the seventh with a left 'to Bullock's head followed with a right and then a left hook to the jaw which dropped Bullock for count of nine.
When Bullock re gained his feet, De John connected with a left to the chin and then a hard right before referee Lou Seozza stopped the fight. STEELERS OBTAIN ALBAN Detroit, Apr. 25 Dick Alban, a defensive halfback obtained Mon day, was dealt to the Pittsburgh Steelers yesterday by the Detroit Lions for tackle Dick ModzelweskL Alban was obtained from the Washington Redskins in exchange for offensive guard Dick StanfeL MEMS TOP CLIFFSIDE Cliffside Park The Cliffside 'Park High School track team went to defeat yesterday at the hands of Memorial High, 80-30. Eight horses have won racing's Triple Crown the Kentucky Der by, Belmont and Preakness. They were Sir Barton.
Gallant Fox. Omaha. War Whirlaway. Count Fleet, Assault and Citation..